Friday, May 15, 2015

Question Of The Day

     In a very poor family, an impoverished family, is an out of work husband just another mouth to feed?


  1. Not if he's participating in child care. And why assume the father is the extra mouth?

  2. Interesting : now I am "unknown" instead of being offered my usual Google profile . Perhaps I will be known if I use my computer instead of this tablet . Blogger has certainly gone sideways! Signed, the would-be Mrs. Polly

  3. Mrs. Polly, I respect your opinions, but this comment is very middle-class. House husband may work for professionals, but not when you have to decide, almost on a daily basis, which bills have to be paid and which bills can be left for a later time, when you face the possibility of homelessness at the end of almost every month. Conservatives bemoan the number of households headed by single women, but poverty forces mothers to make very hard choices. As Ray Charles noted: "You ain't got no money, you just ain't no good."

  4. It should be noted, that many forms of government help, like welfare and food stamps, are not available to households that included an able-bodied male.
