In a previous post, I included a list of white supremacists supporting Trump. I think it useful to re-post that list. First, however, let me provide a two-part working definition of white supremacist. One, the belief that race is a valid concept, which, in fact, it is not. Two, that one or more races is inherently superior to another race or races.
A few days ago (during the campaign), I did a simple search for “white supremacists supporting Donald Trump.” I expected to uncover five or six fully-committed types, but found dozens instead. A short list follows, only enough to make the point, but it's important to remember that these individuals jumped onto the Trump bandwagon before he was nominated.
Rocky J. Suhayda: head of American Nazi Party: We have a
wonderful OPPORTUNITY here, folks, that may never come again at the RIGHT
Andrew Anglin: Runs the Daily
Stormer: “The biggest story in the filthy kike media has been a few lines
from Melania’s speech which these Jews claim she stole from Monkey Michelle.”
David Duke: the only white supremacist Donald Trump formally
Alex Linder: National Alliance (Neo-Nazi group) “Only Trump
can turn back the brown tide and white folks know this.”
Don Black: former KKK Grand Dragon: “Trump resonates with
many of our people, of course….”
August Kreis III: former Aryan Nations Minister of
Information and Propaganda: “I will always hate the Jew. This government is run by an evil group of
people, and please vote for Trump.”
Rachel Prendergast: national organizer for the Rights Party
(KKK affiliated): “Trump is one example of the alternative-right candidate
Knights Party members and candidates are looking for.”
John Ritzheimer: Anti-Islam strategist who participated in
the Oregon Occupation: “We will level and demolish every mosque across this
country.” Showed up at Trump rally with a bullhorn.
Gerald DeLemus: Chief of Security for Cliven Bundy: Co-Chair
of Veterans for Trump in New Hampshire: “At least Donald Trump is offering a
solution. I know who gets my vote.”
Michele Fiore: formally endorsed Trump: “I am not OK with
terrorists. I am not OK with Syrian refugees. Just put a piece of brass in
their oracular cavity and end their miserable life.”
James Edwards: founder of white supremacist website “Our people just needed a viable candidate and they’ve identified
Trump as that man.”
Brad Griffin: founder of white nationalist website
Occidental Dissent: “The signal has gone out to join the Trump campaign and to
openly organize in the mainstream….”
Mathew Heimbach: leader of Traditionalist Workers Party:
“Hail, Emperor Trump. Hail, victory.”
Richard Spencer: head of the National Policy Institute: “Do
you think it’s a coincidence that everybody like me loves Trump and supports him?”
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