OK, so I’m not just getting old, I am old.
Which is as good an excuse as any for the nostalgic states of mind that more
and more frequently seize my flagging attention. Those without much future are
compelled, I suspect, to review the past. After all, there’s a lot more of the
latter than the former.
While my nostalgic
ramblings tend to be unfocused for the most part, last night they flew, straight
as a laser, to 8:00 PM on November 4, 2008. That’s when the networks declared
Barack Obama to be President-elect of the United States. The celebration in New
York City, and in many other cities, went on for hours. We were dancin’ in the
streets, brothers and sisters, and it’s hard to blame us foolish liberals if we
concluded that America had turned a corner, that we’d left behind the segment
of our history that declared a black man – or a red man, or a yellow man - to
have no rights that a white man was bound to respect.
The liberals applied
a term to this new (and just a few years before unthinkable) state-of-affairs: post-racial.
And even as I acknowledged the naivete, I hoped for a union - pragmatic, to be
sure - between working people of all descriptions, a return to the New Deal
coalition that gave rise to the progressive legislation Americans take for
granted. And why not? If Barack Hussein Obama could succeed in North Carolina
and Florida, if he could finish within six points in Georgia, anything was
Though I didn’t
know it at the time, even as Barack Obama took the oath of office, Republican
leaders were meeting in a DC steak house, the Caucus Room, to devise a
party-first-and-to-hell-with-America strategy that would again fan the flames
of racial resentment. Paul Ryan attended, as did Eric Cantor, as did Kevin
McCarthy, now House Majority Leader. Nine days later, on January 29,
Republicans gathered once more, this time at a retreat in the Blue Ridge
Mountains of Virginia. Every single Republican in both houses of Congress had
already voted against the stimulus bill by then, despite the worst recession in
70 years.
The theme at the
retreat was party unity. From that day forward, the
Republicans would oppose anything and everything, country be damned. Mike Pence
stirred the crowd with a clip from Patton,
the George C. Scott film: “We’re gonna kick the hell out of him all the time.
We’re going to go through him like crap through a goose.”
Call it a
precipitating factor. Obama had to be vilified, to be made into an
anti-American other, illegitimate as a pedophile in an orphanage. And no matter
how the violent the contortions, no matter how obvious the hypocrisy, the Republican
party stayed the course. Take Obamacare. The template for the Affordable Care
Act – the individual mandate - originated with the ultra-conservative Heritage
Foundation. The association between Heritage and the concept reaches back to 1989
and the publication of a book, A National
Health System for America, by Stuart Butler and Edmund Haislmaier. At the
time, conservatives promoted the book’s overall scheme as an acceptable alternative
to single payer. The basic idea was endorsed by New Gingrich (as he later
admitted), then put into practice by an enthusiastic Mitt Romney. Force adult Americans not
covered by their employers to purchase insurance policies, the reasoning went, and costs will drop
as the healthy contribute to the insurance pool. Problem solved.
All that changed
when a Democratic Congress passed the Affordable Care Act. Republicans, all of
whom voted against the legislation, declared the individual mandate to be an affront to the
essential liberty that made America the land of the free. The act had to be
opposed at every turn as Republicans sought to rescue the nation from a concept
they’d created.
How great a leap is
it from this level of hypocrisy to, “Obama is a secret Muslim born in Kenya?” How
big a jump to, “Obama wants the terrorists to win?” In a focus group of Trump
voters conducted by Frank Luntz in 2016, seven years after the Republicans
decided to live by obstruction, only three of twenty-nine participants believed
Obama to be a Christian. Just twenty believed he was born in the United States,
despite the birth certificate. And according to Luntz, who was not a Trump
supporter, the more you challenged this group’s beliefs with evidence, the more
those beliefs hardened. Like the one about Obama putting his hand on the Koran
before placing it on the Bible when he took the Oath of Office, which the far right enthus-iastically
embraces. (In fact, the photo supposedly showing Obama with his hand on the Koran,
actually depicts Obama with his hand on a pair of stacked bibles, one formally
owned by Martin Luther King, the other by Abraham Lincoln.)
Think it can’t
get worse? Toward the end of the session, Luntz asked the volunteers to sum up
their opinion of Obama in a word or phrase. The exchange began with words like
“traitor” and “socialist”, but quickly advanced to, “I wouldn’t urinate on him
if he was on fire.”
The kicker was
delivered a few minutes later. “When you bend down to the Saudis, take your
shoes off, put your hand on the Koran and then the Bible when you’re sworn in?
I would not only piss on him if he was on fire, I’d throw gas on him.”
As Frederick Douglass
declared long ago, backlash is the price we pay for progress. But I wouldn’t
take that to mean it doesn’t hurt. But there it is. The haters have emerged -
encouraged by a debased Republican Party that places power ahead of country -
to elect Don the Con (who may, given the Kushner revelations, be an actual
traitor). How much time will elapse, do you suppose, before Trump calls his deluded
followers into the streets? If you recall he made that threat as the
Republican Convention approached, then again toward the end of the campaign.
Gird your loins
for battle, folks. TrumpWorld is upon us.
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