Thursday, January 12, 2017


      Poor Donald Twump. The little baby’s so, so mad. All these lies about his adventures in Russia. All these damnable lies without a scintilla of proof to back them up. The Nazi’s at their worst could not have come up with propaganda as baseless – or as vicious - as these memos. Boodely-hoo, boodely-hoo.

      The intelligence agencies are to blame, of course, the same agencies that consistently paint Vladimir Putin as a war criminal. Which, by any reasonable standards, he most certainly is.

      Are the memos entirely false, as Don the Con claims? Maybe, maybe not. But no reputable news agency, print, broadcast or digital, should release unverified material to the public. For example, the rumor, advanced without any proof whatever, that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and not the United States. You know, the rumor pushed by the now-outraged Donald Trump (and a horde of talk-radio hosts) long after the President released his long-form birth certificate.

      Even as I write this, a lawsuit filed against Donald Trump proceeds. The plaintiff is an anonymous woman who claims that Donald Trump raped her at a party hosted by Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted sexual predator. The woman, at the time, was thirteen years old. We’re not talking about a rumor here. Trump’s lawyers tried, and failed, to have the suit dismissed. More to come.

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